Create Cash Contra entry
You can manage your Cash Contra entry under Accounting Journal entry
You can create Cash Contra entry to update the Intercompany netting to offset receivable and payable between two different entities/subsidiaries of a company so that one final amount remains among them.
How to record Cash Contra entry transaction
Click on New Cash Contra button to create Cash Contra entry.
Field Description
Fields | Description |
Date | Date of the Cash Contra entry created |
Contra No | Cash Contra No, which is auto-generated and non-editable. |
Account | Choose the Cash or Bank Account to be debited and Account to be credited |
Debit | Enter the amount to be debited for the Account. |
Credit | Enter the amount to be Credited to the Account. |
Description | Enter the Description for the amount to be Debited or Credited. |
Notes | Enter the narration of the Cash Contra entry in Notes. Note: The total amount debited should be equal to the amount credited. |