Billable Expenses are the expenses that you have incurred on behalf of your customer for performing work, services, supplies. You can record billing expenses and later link it with respective Invoices to reclaim it from your customers. In simple words, you can invoice your expenses.
Some examples of billable expenses are travel expense, advertising cost, labor charges, raw material costs, etc. which are spent especially for a client which can be reimbursed from them.
Record Billable Expense
- Add a New Expense under Purchase > Expense/Payment.
- In the Accounts column, select the expense account. Ex : Travel Expense, Fuel Expense.
- Enter the Amount and Narration(description) of the expense.
- Click on the “Settings” icon and enable the “Billable For” checkbox.
- In the “Billable For” column, select the customer for whom you want to bill this expense.
- Save the Expense. This expense can now be linked with Invoice
Add/Link Billable Expense to Invoice (Invoicing Expenses)
- Create New Invoice under Sales > Invoice.
- In the Customer field, choose the Customer for whom you created a billable expense for.
- Enter the Items that you want to bill for the customer as usual.
- Click on the “Billable” option which is present near the Customer name. This will open a pop-up that lists the billable expenses associated with this customer.
- Select the checkbox of the expenses to be included in the Invoice and click “Import”. Now, chosen expenses will get included in invoice.
- Click Save.